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Dodgeball Game Maker Tutorial

This will be a series of posts that will teach you step by step how to make a simple arcade game using Game Maker Studio 2. The final game w...

Friday, December 20, 2019


On this blog, I will post what I am learning about game development when I have some free time.

I am working as a programmer in a travel company and I practice programming skills at home making simple videogames.

I know about Game Maker Studio 2 and a little bit of Unreal. For now I will post about Game Maker but in the future maybe I add some Unreal Engine content aswell.

For now, I will start a serie of posts about how to build a full simple arcade game in Game Maker Studio 2.

It will be an arcade game about dodging balls. The final version of the game can be played here https://dukebot.itch.io/dodgeball.

Dodgeball game making tutorial

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